We are currently accepting qualities for the 3rd Limited Auction and the 16th Premium Auction

Do you love insurrection?

February 2, 2023

Do you love insurrection?

We have something amazing for you!

https://snmw.onebid.pl/.../banknoty-uchwals .../1596400

Resolution of the Supreme National Council of June 8, 1794 regarding the establishment of treasury tickets!

The official document, in which information was provided about the plan to introduce the first Polish banknotes - tax tickets from 1794. In the resolution, in addition to information about the introduction of new funds in circulation, there is also talk about the establishment of the management of tax tickets, which included Xawery Działyński, Jędrzej Kapostas, Antoni Dzieduszycki, Jerzy Poths, Antoni Lanckoroński, Filip Garlicki and Filip Garliński and Filip Garli Jakób Küsel. The dyrkation was responsible for preparing new banknotes. A few days after the resolution, which is the subject of this auction, in Gazeta Government No. 45 of 16 August 1794, further details were announced regarding new paper money (denominations, colors, signatures), at the beginning citing the resolution of June 8, 1794.

The document signed by Hugo Kołłątaj and Tomasz Czech.

Very rare old -fashion, printed at the Printing House of the National Instruction Department, known for individual copies from the collections of the National Library and the Provincial Public Library in Kielce.

An extremely important document from the point of view of Polish paper money.

Emotions in the auction room guaranteed!