We are currently accepting qualities for the 3rd Limited Auction and the 16th Premium Auction


August 16, 2016

Numismatics attracts collectors with its mystery. I think that in this opinion I will sign every real collector. On the market we have access to countless literature often treating individual numismatics departments in the smallest details. It is not uncommon for the authors of the publication dedicated to their entire professional life in research and systematizing a given department. In the case of Polish paper money, thanks to the work of Czesław Miłczak on the market, we have a two -volume publication which for my taste for a long time, if not forever will be considered a kind of "Bible" for collectors of this department. Often talking to collectors, however, I hear that they have a series in their collections that is not mentioned in the literature. However, not everyone realizes that the authors of the catalogs clearly contain only information that they personally confirmed, thanks to which their knowledge is credible. The fact that a series is not mentioned in a given literature can be at most a rarity but its uniqueness is doubtful. Our first and probably subsequent publications will just treat such "discoveries", but I will immediately emphasize that we absolutely do not assign ourselves the tag of the explorer. Probably many of our publications for advanced collectors will not be new but based on the knowledge that is available in the literature of a given department, we want to show that it is worth watching your numismatic thoroughly because we never know what they hide in. We strongly encourage you to collect not only the numismats themselves, but also to collect knowledge thanks to which collecting is in our opinion more complete, more aware and I think that only with such an assumption will become an adventure for life.

Long admission, I promise that subsequent entries will immediately go to the heart of the topic. Our first publication concerns a banknote which in itself is probably an ornament in many collections. 20 PLN 1924 It is undoubtedly a rare banknote, difficult to get in a pleasant condition, and in a non -property state almost unattainable. We currently have two varieties highlighted. The first is a variety with a low letter of letters, i.e. 4.13mm and a cut of digits where, for example, the number 4 is closed, while the second variety is characterized by the height of the number 4.88mm where the four mentioned four is open. It is worth adding that between these varieties each number in numbering is completely different but after the number 4 and 3 which in the picture below we cannot compare the differences are the most expressive.

Varieties A and B


DSC02525 [1024x768]One day, however, 20 PLN 1924 fell into my surprise. Series B, which at first glance did not stand out until I looked under the light. We rarely separate a variety based on what we see against the light where the only thing we see is a watermark. However, in this case, in addition to the standard image of Tadeusz Kościuszko, a watermark came in the form of numbers 13 and 18 on the left margin

More advanced collectors know that there is a rare model PLN 20 1924. series B, which has an additional watermark as technological numbering. Looking through the auction tabs, I found a model of such a banknote with numbers 7 and 12 and just 13 and 18, i.e. the same as on the described circulation banknot. There are other sets of numbers in the literature.

Interestingly, each B pattern has the same numbering, i.e. 0312707, and our circulation 20 PLN 1924. It has a numbering of 0385021. Below is a photo of the said banknote where you can clearly see the puncture of an additional watermark on the left margin.

1 2

Where does such a banknote come from? Well, we think the answer is quite simple. The banknote intended on the model did not get print, but interestingly it probably went into circulation, as evidenced by signs of wear. Of course, signs of consumption in themselves do not have to mean that the banknote was actually in circulation but they make it significantly. I will add that the banknote has survived for its great type, without signs of maintenance, with a beautiful natural texture of paper, only gentle paddling on the edges reduce the actual condition of behavior. The numbering is similar to the formulas, hence I especially encourage you to check your collections because maybe our 20 PLN II EM. B hides an additional watermark in the form of yet another set of numbers than our copy. Personally, I would not be surprised if another discovered art would have the same serial number, i.e. 0385021 but a different set of numbers in the watermark.

Is this a variety? The concept of a change in my opinion largely depends on the methodology we accept. The definite crowd of collectors follows varieties by literature, whether in the case of coins or banknotes it is a common practice. Over time, however, a department begins to study, collect more and start collecting it in our own way. In our opinion, it is difficult not to call it a variety, an extremely rare variety that will probably wake up many advanced collectors and encourage you to search, and at the beginning of their adventure will encourage a different view of collecting.

Finally, a small request, if you find an analogous copy in your collection, please contact us. We set ourselves the goal that our company, apart from purely gainful activities, brought something substantive to the broadly understood numismatics. Based on one copy, it is difficult to deduce more, hence we are looking forward to the trail of another such copy and although the words unique I do not personally do because in the industry it is commonly abused, I am pleased to refute the theory about the uniqueness of this banknote.