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A thaler with a mysterious pun

January 17, 2025

The year 1649 was the first year of beating Gdańsk thalers by Jan II Kazimierz, the manager of the mint was Gerhard Rogge, who meant coins with initials gr. In the first year, only half -gray and thalers were beaten, the next one began to break double thalers. It was applied to the Mennicza Ordinance from 1633, and the mint's activity in 1649 was extremely intense. This is evidenced by a huge number of stamps used to knock out thalers and semi -gray. The offer of our next 15th Premium auction included a thaler from the described year, in a very nice condition. Jarosław Dutkowski assessed the rarity of this variety on the R4-R5. On our copy we see on the obverse the third type of royal bust, in a shaded crown and armor decorated with plant flanhers with a high -shirt lined with lace. There is a chain with the Golden Run order on the king's chest. On the reverse of the lions with double -braided tails, they support the city shield. Above the shield, the laurel wreath visible only from the front with two palm leaves, in the middle of which there is a three -leaf branch. The initials of the mint manager (gr) under the paws of Lviv, while the date is located in a cartouche made of semi -nicknames, dots and leaves.

On the obverse of this thaler, a small sign is caught, placed next to the royal bust. It is nothing but a ownership punca and not just any. Punction of ownership punc on numismates was a common practice in the nineteenth century. In this way, marking their collections, the owners were sure of recognizing their own copies in the case of even theft. Although nowadays no collector would decide to "disfigure" numismat in such a way, historical ownership pumps on coins increase their value. This is associated with confirmation of the origin of the numismat presenting the provenance of a known collection. Most Punc is well known and assigned to specific collectors, such as Pilawa belonging to the Potocki family or Leliwa Czapski. However, on Talar, which will be offered at our XV Premium auction, there is one of the more mysterious ownership punc. So far, she has not been able to attribute to a specific collector. At first glance, Punca looks like an ordinary "hole", but after closer inspection we will notice that this is a sign reminiscent of the letter O.

The collection in which the presented thaler was probably dispersed in the first half of the 19th century. Its owner probably only collected thick coins, because so far smaller coins with this pun have not appeared on the market. The coin itself is rare, the ownership punca further increases its value. However, there is one more issue that makes it a unique position, namely the place of punching. On the vast majority of coins included in this mysterious harvest, Punca is on the rank, this may indicate a sense of aesthetics of a collector who did not want to "disfigure" numismat, punching puncy in the coin field, as other XIX eternal collectors practiced. However, in this case Punca is in the coin field. Perhaps this thaler was included in the collection at the beginning of its creation and was marked in a similar way as other collectors did, but in time the owner decided that this adversely affects the visual perception of the numismat and on subsequent coins he already poured a punk on the rank.

They watch this point under a large magnification, you can see that in the middle of this hole there is something like a cone. Perhaps someday we will be able to solve the secrets associated with this collection, and so far we can enjoy the copies that once included it.