We are very happy with the announcement of our strategic cooperation with the Warsaw Collector's Stock Exchange! Following the example of the largest international stock exchanges, we are glad that our auction house will be a part of it, this event.
With Mr. Paweł, the organizer of the Warsaw Collector's Stock Exchange, we have the pleasure to cooperate from many editions and from the beginning seeing the determination and professionalism of Mr. Paweł we believed that the Warsaw stock exchange would become one of the most important numismatic events in Poland.
Today, probably no one doubts that this stock exchange is a real holiday for collectors. As a strategic partner of this event, we will support Mr. Paweł in further development and promotion on the international arena.
Wójcicki Polish Auction House
ul. Zwiadowców 9
52-207 Wrocław
tel.: 696 875,000
tel.: 71 30 70 111
e-mail: m.wojcicki@wojcicki.pl