In the time of Zygmunt Old, individual denominations were broadcast in two standards: on the Polish foot and on the Lithuanian foot.
Crown pennies (on the Polish foot) were beaten in the Krakow Mint in 1526-1527 and 1545-1548 with 6-luc silver. On average, they weighed 2.059 GI contained 0.772 g of pure silver. A crown was placed on their obverse, an inscription in two or three lines and at the bottom of the arms of the Treasurer (initially Odrowąż Mikołaj Szydłowiecki, then the Lewel of Spytka Tarnowski with his initials). There are also varieties without the coat of arms of the Podskarbi. On the reverse there was a white eagle and a rim inscription with a date.
Prussian and urban pennies (Gdańsk, Elbląg) were also beaten at the Polish foot. Prussian pennies were broadcast by a mint in Toruń in 1528-1535. A beautiful, Renaissance portrait of the king (in two types) and a rim inscription were placed on their obverse. On the reverse - an eagle and a rim inscription with a date. The iconographic pattern of Gdańsk pennies (1530-1535, 1537-1540, 1548) was similar, with the difference that instead of the Prussian eagle, the Gdańsk coat of arms was placed on the reverse. In the former collection of the University of Warsaw there was a copy from 1535 minted in pure gold. In turn, the Elbląg pennies (1533-1535, 1538-1540) had the Prussian eagle on the obverse, and the coat of arms of Elbląg on the reverse.
Lithuanian pennies (1535, 1536) emitted by the Vilnius mint were beaten on the Lithuanian foot (sample - VI, average weight - 2.574 g, pure silver content - 0.965 g). Their attitude towards the pennies beaten on the Polish foot was 4: 5. On the obverse of Lithuanian pennies, a white eagle and a rim inscription (with the name of the king) were placed. On the reverse there was the coat of arms of Lithuania - Pogoń and the Otokowy inscription, in which Giedymin columns were integrated at the bottom. The year was in the coin field, near Pogoń. On some of the varieties under the coat of arms of Lithuania, letters were also included in the month of the coin.