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- Orthus of Jan II Kazimierz

May 5, 2023

In the time of Jan Kazimierz, Orta was beaten in nine mint: five crown (Bydgoszcz, Wschowa, Poznań, Kraków, Lviv), Lithuanian (Vilnius) and three urban (Gdańsk, Toruń, Elbląg).

The most abundant mint production was developed in Krakow and in Bydgoszcz. In turn, in terms of iconography there were mint in Wschowa and Lviv. The first, due to the presentation of the king in ancient armor and with a laurel wreath on his head (instead of a crown), the second due to the primitivism of the drawing associated more with folk art than with the activities of a state mint. Lithuanian Orty was only beaten in 1664. The rarest and - thus - the most desirable by collectors are Elbląg Orta.

The first emissions of Jan Kazimierz's ORTs were based on the ordinance from 1650. The coins were beaten from silver XIV samples, on average weighed 5.607 Gi contained 4.906 g of pure ore. In 1654, the OTTA standard was slightly reduced. The silver attempt was set at the 11th Luty at the time, the weight of a single copy to 6.726, while the content of pure silver was to be 4.626 g. In 1656 there was another change - respectively: Silver attempt XI Łutów, weight 6.308 g, pure silver content 4.337 g. From 1657, the following values ​​were in force: trial XII Łutów, weight - 5.312 g, pure silver - 3.984 g. The last change was brought by the ordinance from 1658 (the most persistent of the legal acts referring to the letters of Jan Kazimierz). It adopted the sampling of silver x Łut, average coin weight - 6.308 GI content of pure ore - 3.943 g.