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February 29, 2024

Test, August III Sas, crown zloty (30 groszy) Dresden 1762 - Huge rare, ex. Potocki

Starting price: PLN 100,000

Extremely rare coin, which has not been recorded at auctions in Poland so far, and modern world archives also do not show even unit rating!

Extremely rare trial zloty of August III Sasa from 1762.

A position so far known only from the collections of the National Museum in Warsaw, Münzkabinett in Dresden and Kazimierz Zbichorski.

In the Helmuta Kahnt catalog, marked with the rarity of LP, which means Liebhaberpreis, i.e. the equivalent of our amateur price.

The coin has a smooth edge, just like copies from the National Museum in Warsaw and Münzkabinett in Dresden. Three different zlotys are illustrated in the Kamiński catalog, but two of them are crowned zlotys invented by Majnerrt. The basic difference is the edge, where the copies created by the Majnert were served and the original red edge.

A copy with excellent provenance from the Potocki collection with ownership pun before the portrait.



XIII Premium auction at the Hotel Monopol *****