Currently, at our Allegro auctions, we offer the first part of the offer of vouchers, many emissions in non -business states, individual very rare items that have not been listed on the collector's market for a long time. The second part will start at the turn of March and April, where we will put out a unique nineteenth century voucher of the metallurgy and mining plants in Sosnowce. It is difficult to accurately determine the date of the emission of this voucher, after consulting with enthusiasts of this department, we focus on the first half of the 19th century. Local vouchers from the first half of the nineteenth century occur much less often, the issue of local money only fed during this period, only the second half of the 19th century deigns us with a relative multitude of emissions. We invite !
Wójcicki Polish Auction House
ul. Zwiadowców 9
52-207 Wrocław
tel.: 696 875,000
tel.: 71 30 70 111