In a free market economy, if there are deficiencies of a given goods, in a fairly short time someone with reflexes appears who satisfies the demand for a given service or goods. Happiness in unhappiness in real numismatics the quantity of goods is limited, hence we can enjoy rare and sometimes even unique values that are often the motorbike that pulls us to collect. Unfortunately, on the other hand, those "creative" appear who want to fill a given niche by creating or converting existing numismats for the needs of deficiencies on the numismatic market. In this way, forgery or dangerous modifications arise. Summer on the market taught me that there are no real opportunities. Access to information is now so fast and convenient that if someone offers us numismat at a bargain price, then each of us should light a red warning lamp. Unfortunately, human nature is constructed in such a way that sometimes we want something so much that we lose common sense leaving the field for counterfeiters.
While in the case of counterfeit coins they are a real scourge, in the case of banknotes, in principle, this is not a problem, which does not mean that this department is completely free of forgery. Recently, for the needs of this articles, I "occasionally" bought an extremely rare variety of 100 brands x cheese. Bg. Unfortunately, the banknote is a processing where the numbering of the original banknote has an additional adopted X. Illustration of this banknote below.
In my opinion, the variety of this banknote is the rarest from all Markowa. I did not find any official ratings of this variety, interestingly it is not in the Lucow collection, while in the catalog of Czesław Miłczak there is a lack of illustration of this banknote. The lack of the ability to compare and see further facilitates the work of counterfeiters. In this case, forgery quite inept but a novice collector at an attractive price could fall into the trap of the counterfeiter. Until now, I have only twice on the original 100 brands x cheese banknote. BG, thanks to which below we can carefully compare the original "X" with this made.
Everything seems so obvious, but live, not having the original in hand in hand, the field is quite large. Of course, the thickness of the letter itself is striking, but please remember that only X is made, which can additionally sleep our vigilance. After a small graphic processing, it is easy to see that the "x" was probably made with some stamp because we see how spilled and uneven the edges are.
Within the 100 brands, the number of the number of the number is also different and with such accurate knowledge we can avoid forgery. The original X series. Recently, I had the opportunity to see a set of 100 brands from A to Z and only the first series "A" was dark cherry and the rest was red. Of course, I do not change that this is the rule but my observations to date indicate it. The original x cheese should be dark cherry just like the series A illustrated and compared below.
Finally, illustration of the original 100 brands x cheese. Bg. This is how it exists 🙂
Finally, quite important two comments. If you have this variety in your collections, please photo / scans. And the second more general, if you have doubts about your banknotes in your collections, please contact us. We will be pleased to advise for free.
Wójcicki Polish Auction House
ul. Zwiadowców 9
52-207 Wrocław
tel.: 696 875,000
tel.: 71 30 70 111