We are currently accepting qualities for the 3rd Limited Auction and the 16th Premium Auction

Auction and February 24, 2018 on the OneBid.pl platform!

October 29, 2017

We are pleased to invite you to our first professional numismatic auction, which will take place on February 24, 2018 on the OneBid.pl platform, gathering the best auction houses in Poland. Although the list of items has not yet been closed, we can now announce that it will abound in many rare positions in delicious behavior. Our offer of Polish banknotes will undoubtedly surprise even very experienced collectors. We will supplement it with an interesting group of rare banknotes in the world and substitute money. Of course, there will be coins with beautiful thalers at the forefront. Many items in NGC, PCGS and PMG grading, some with maximum notes!

We planned to limit our debut to 400 items but we already know that the list of items will be wider. We accept items for auction until the end of 2017. Our conditions are available at the link

The list of items can be followed here