Polish banknotes are one of the most beautiful banknotes, especially interwar emissions denominated in zlotys and Gdańsk stand out from other countries, but we can go into the world of foreign banknotes, we can commune with a whole galaxy of delicious motives that encourage collecting.
One of our specializations is undoubtedly foreign banknotes. It was a long time to complain that foreign banknotes were treated as a secondary and even tertiary topic in our yard. Not with us!
Over the years, we have learned to reach foreign clients as well as committers, which allows us to create events on a European scale, offering with each premium auction a solid offer abroad.
From the upcoming premium auction, we have been able to obtain a real passionate of foreign banknotes to cooperate, which will help us in more efficient identification and work on the material. We see a lot to improve in this field!
The scale of the offer is important from the point of view of our committee. Unfortunately, a small offer does not gain attention, hence we make sure that the vast majority of foreign banknotes hit two large auction blocks at premium auctions, which allows us to attract attention to our offer.
It is not without significance that our offer of foreign banknotes is always published in English together with the English -speaking description. The recognition of our company in this section also has a significant impact!
To sum up how to love banknotes - it's all.
Ps. Soon we will show a foreign banknote that will cause a huge stir in the world of collectors of paper money!
Wójcicki Polish Auction House
ul. Zwiadowców 9
52-207 Wrocław
tel.: 696 875,000
tel.: 71 30 70 111
e-mail: m.wojcicki@wojcicki.pl