As one of the largest auction houses in our country, we offer a full range of services related to the sale of coins, medals and banknotes. We employ the best specialists, and valuations - professional and always in accordance with the facts - we carry out without any fee and obligation to sell. Valuation of coins and banknotes in Gdańsk in our company is everyday life - use this service today!
For years, our shopping auctions have been making the largest auctions in the world and state institutions, as well as numerous entities with pre -emption law like registered museums. In 2021, we sold the most expensive Polish banknote to the Paper Museum in Duszniki Zdrój for over PLN 420,000!
To start cooperation, just contact our auction house and send photos of your coins or banknotes in the news. Contact is possible in several ways - using the form available on our website, WhatsApp messenger, Messenger, by phone or by e -mail ( ). We will contact immediately after receiving them.
We have trusted thousands of clients from around the world, numerous foreign companies and state institutions. Save your time and your money using the shipping purchase option!
If you care about quick and efficient sale of coins or banknotes, please contact us today. If additional questions arise, be sure to ask us through the available form. We are happy to answer as soon as possible.